
Showing posts from August, 2019

"lose yourself" -eminem *clean por favor*

last week in the MTC can I get a HALLELUJIAH!  actually so sad though because I am going to miss hot showers and clean water and my niños of a district and seriously the most golden humans ever (hermano Wright y hermana Walker our teachers (seriously most amazing people I have ever met))!  5 things that are happy -  • elder bednar came last week! SUCH a good guy! "just be a good girl and a good boy- dont make things harder than they have to be"   • we got to listen to the BYU v. UTAH game while we were role playing outside and testifying Haha it brought the spirit more knowing that Utah was winning hahahahahahahahahha jk I just kept imagining all the cheers were the people in heaven cheering me on on my mission HAH it was kinda cool the next time you're having a bad day just think about a whole stadium of college football junkies cheering you on in your life and it will PUMP. YOU. UP. !  •DOMINICAN REPUBLIC NEXT WEEK!!! soo excited!! my Spanish is something else

siempre en la lucha

it is  4:48 AM  and I am sitting in the laundry room waiting to get a washer and dryer. it is seriously the hunger games haha. I am about to throw some hands if another elder puts his stuff in front of mine-the only time us missionaries aren't christ like is when we do our laundry and when we play sand volleyball (the elders call me facer instead of hermana facer..crazy I know)! other than that we are pretty good ;)  the spanglish is coming nicely! hna. karrington and I are teaching this super awesome guy samuel! he is from Columbia and got here 2 years ago! It is so crazy that a few weeks ago I was mocked and laughed at (@mike) when I spoke Spanish and now I can manage to get through a 25 minute lesson WOOT WOOT! the gift of tongues, man...SO GREAT! cant wait to get to the DR and learn it all over again HAH!  we have some Dominican amigos here and oh man coolest people I have ever met! we like to talk to our amigos from Columbia, Mexico, DR, Argentina because we help them w


hiiii mí gente!!! literally so blessed for all the emails and love :') seriously so much happens in a week and I learn so much I don't know where to start. BUT let's start with the coolest guy my homie David A. Bednar! We listened to his talk "Character of Christ" on Sunday and wow what a savage! I was so ready to just change my whole life after that talk! The mission is not about me. I need to drop the ~Natural Man~ like it's hot and turn my thoughts outward! So this week I really tried to be more charitable and not focus on myself. I think it was good because I forgot to shave one of legs one night sooo I either am truly forgetting myself or I am just really tired and dumb hahah!  I know I wouldn't be be able to do any of this on my own... it would be impossible! We were talking to some Czech Elders last night during language study and they said the direct translation of  the hymn "I Need Thee Every Hour" is "I Can't Without You

Jim Halpert

you guys. WHAT IS UP?? I am not going to write in Spanish in my emails yet because I have some professional Spanish speakers in this group and I don't want to get made fun of! I know my friends and family too well !  okay first 4 days at the MTC have been so so cute! I love it here pretty much the only good thing in provo! super great spirit, super great people, super great not really but I am just sticking with the fruit and salad #nogainzforthishermana  sooo to explain the subject line. You know in The Office when something super weird happens and Jim just looks at the camera or at Pam with THAT FACE- if you have seen the office you know what I am talking about- well I am constantly doing that Haha! I will just look at my companion or off in the distance! The MTC is super great but there are some weird ducks and weird rules that I am trying to understand Haha! So yeah I feel like Jim lots of the time!  I LOVE HERMANA KARRINGTON - she is my companion, she is f