
Showing posts from September, 2019

¡do your flexiones!

What is good my favorite people! Okay what a blessed week this was! So many places to be, people to see, and baptisms to be had!  Okay so we had intercambios this week (exchanges) and I was with Hna. Querioz from Brazil who speaks NO ENGLISH so that was a party and a half. We taught 2 lessions in Creole! It was raining all the days so we are the only people walking down the street while everyone was in the shacks and they were yelling at us to get inside but we were two SOAKING WET girls dancing down the muddy streets with the cows ahah! What a time to be alive!  I taught a lesson in ASL AND WOW BENDICIONES!!!!!! It was so cool and the spirit was so strong! TEARS! THE BASEBALL GAME! wow okay so we have the cutest fan club of niños that always come and make up handshakes with us and they are just the purest funniest kids! Well the other night we were walking down the street and our homeboys were having a baseball game! So we join! Pizza boxes as bases and a stick as a ba


LETS GO I AM HERE! wow this is such an experience already! the dominican republic is wild!  Okay I had something written up but the power went out and I have to start over so that fun hahaha! I am just gonna sum up what I think I said... -IT IS SO HOT -There are so many miracles! We had 21 investigators at church yesterday! I met a deaf family and I got to sign with them and we are teaching them on saturday!!! -The spanish here is so fast and I don´t know what anyone is saying and they don´t know what I am saying hahah so it is an adventure!  -These people in my area don´t have anything but they are so willing to give to the missionaries even if it is just some cheese crackers and coke! They are the best!  -The kids are the best and always yell ¨HERMANAS¨ and come hug us haha!  -We were teaching and this cat came in the room with a giant lizard in its mouth and started eating it right there and there were blood and guts everywhere hahah!  Okay so much happens and

Bienvienidos Hermana Facer!

Alexa made it!!! President and Sister Smith and her trainer Sister Sanchez from Mexico! Can’t wait for P-day!