¡do your flexiones!

What is good my favorite people!

Okay what a blessed week this was! So many places to be, people to see, and baptisms to be had! 

Okay so we had intercambios this week (exchanges) and I was with Hna. Querioz from Brazil who speaks NO ENGLISH so that was a party and a half. We taught 2 lessions in Creole! It was raining all the days so we are the only people walking down the street while everyone was in the shacks and they were yelling at us to get inside but we were two SOAKING WET girls dancing down the muddy streets with the cows ahah! What a time to be alive! 

I taught a lesson in ASL AND WOW BENDICIONES!!!!!! It was so cool and the spirit was so strong! TEARS!

THE BASEBALL GAME! wow okay so we have the cutest fan club of niños that always come and make up handshakes with us and they are just the purest funniest kids! Well the other night we were walking down the street and our homeboys were having a baseball game! So we join! Pizza boxes as bases and a stick as a bat! hahah when I would throw the ball or something they would all shout ¨OHHHH MERICANNAA hahah freakin hilarious! 

Also last night we were so close to our goal of contacts but it was 9 15 and we had to walk home but I wasnt going to miss our goal so there was this huge group of old men playing dominos ( I don{t really know what the game is hahah it might be gambling who knows) but they were all drunk I am pretty sure but I walked right up and stood up on a box and held up the Libro De Mormon and invited them all to come to church and be baptized hahah! They were stoked and so was I because I think they understood my spanish LOL! 

GOD IS SO GOOD! This gospel is so good! I was thinking about my good friend NEPHI this week about how God commanded him to kill Laban! Why would God command him to kill Laban, couldn{t there have been something else he couldn{ve done? But Hna Sanchez and I were talking about how maybe God needed Nephi to do something he thought he couldn{t do! Sometimes God asks us to do thing that we are like..... huhhhh I can{t do that haha! but with God we can do all things! We know Nephi was physically strong... a well statured man I am sure HAHA! But Nephi was also Spiritually strong . . . he had SO MUCH FAITH! I am going to practice that this week! Doing my physical and spiritual push ups! 

I LOVE YOU ALL! Hope this week is the best of your life! Lets all do something scary together! Like preach the gospel to 9 drunk old men hahahah! 

Hermana FACER!


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