yeah buddy

HOLA FAM Y AMIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what is good. happy holidays. Christmas in the mission really is something else! I have never been so happy in my life!!! 
This last week we had our conferencia de zona and WOWIE! the spirit was so strong I can´t wait to see my mission president as an apostle one day! On the gua gua ride home, hermana erickson and I just started crying because we just love these people in our area so much! they are my family this Christmas season and it is seriously the most special thing there is ! I am growing such a love for these dominicans, spanish, EL SOL, sweat, niñas painting our nails during lessons, spending our saturdays lavando la ropa y platos for these people to come to church on sunday, y MI SALVADOR!!!!! Christmas is MAS CRISTO ! seriously I don´t really know how to explain it but I just haven´t experienced anything quite like this! and it is the best thing ever! 

we found the cutest 13 year old girl named estrella and she is SO GOLDEN! she pretty much contacted us and said she wants to read more of the book of mormon because she wants to learn more about God. okay. when I was thirteen i was only worried about the next hannah montana episode that was coming out! so yeah she is going to be a great missionary one day! 

JUAN DE DIOS. baptism. this saturday. be there. HE IS THE CUTEST NIÑO! we tried to get his mom Santa baptized on Christmas but they didn´t have water on sunday and she had to go to the next city to get water so she coulnd´t come to church. but that is okay IT WILL HAPPEN!

we taught this 18 year old girl the law of chastity for our zone leaders. I love teaching that lesson because here in the DR it is normal to have a baby when you are 14! so that´s fun . pray for this blessed country!

we told our ward members we don´t know how to cook and they looked at us like we just ran over their dog hahaha so now they are doing their service hours and teaching us how to cook haha. 

we gave a tour of our chapel and i felt like i was on the district and it through me back to the tours at USU! GO AGGIES!

also we went to the temple today BLESSINGS!!!!! the temple here is so unreal! we are all gonna come visit in a year so let me know if you wanna come !
LES AMO!!!!!!!
give my fam a big hug if you see them!!!!!!!!!!

hermana facer!


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