Hello everyone this is mama Facer and I need to update you on our little Dominican! She is in great spirits~for a caged animal! 😂 For all you who know Alexa will understand how she must be feeling on a 2 week lock-down! #ballofenergy As all of our missionaries around the world, she is getting the very best care and attention for her safety during this time. Her mission President is stellar and keeping us informed every step of the way. She can call home every Thursday and Monday now for an hour and that has been really helpful- for all of us! Prior to the shut-down she and Hna. Rodriguez had the baptism of Maicol (Michael) and Noel! They are the BEST boys and LOVE the Lord and the church SO MUCH! It was a wonderful experience! Attached is their picture. The members of the church are also taking such good care of them- bringing food and checking in. THANK YOU D.R. ❤️ Now our pray...
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